Normal Price : IDR 750.000
Special Price : IDR 275.000
Normal Price : IDR 3.750.000
Special Price : IDR 1.275.000
Normal Price : IDR 7.500.000
Special Price : IDR 2.500.000 + Bonus 2 Hallmar X Online Session
Normal Price : IDR 11.250.000
Special Price : IDR 3.500.000 + Bonus 3 Hallmar X Online Session
Bank Transfer :
Bank Central Asia
Acc: 010 88988 04
A.N Yayasan Pendidikan Berkat Sukses Sejahtera
You will get e-mail confirmation in 48 hrs after you have successfully uploaded your payment proof.
Please make sure that your submitted e-mail address is valid.
Attached your transfer receipt to 082 11 5000 938 (Whatsapp) /
Hallmar X Terms and Conditions :
1.1 1 voucher valid for 1 person/session
1 voucher berlaku untuk 1 orang / sesi
1.2 All voucher except 1 session valid for 12 months after date purchased, for 1 session valid for 3 months
Semua tiket kecuali untuk 1 sesi, berlaku selama 12 bulan setelah tanggal pembelian. Untuk tiket 1 sesi berlaku 3 bulan
1.3 Offline Class seat depends on availability, please confirm your redemption as soon as possible
Kuota kelas offline tergantung pada ketersediaan, mohon konfirmasi penukaran voucher secepat mungkin.
1.4 All fees that have been already paid cannot be claimed for any cancellation from participant.
Semua biaya yang sudah dibayarkan tidak dapat di klaim kembali jika ada pembatalan dari peserta.
1.5 Hallmar Business School and their staffs are not responsible for anything which is happened out of our authority (force majeur)
Hallmar Business School beserta stafnya tidak bertanggungjawab atas hal- hal yang berada diluar kekuasaan/kendali kami (force majeur).
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